Bad Taste Around Your Dental Implant? What It Could Be And What You Must Do To Treat It

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Have you recently undergone dental implant surgery and have begun experiencing bad tastes around the new implant? If so, you are likely experiencing dental implant inflammation. The bad taste is caused by an infection that is growing around your implant that should not be ignored. Here, you will learn what to do if you begin noticing the terrible taste around your new implant. Eliminate the Bad Taste While you wait for your dentist appointment to have the infected implant examined, you do not have to continue to suffer through the terrible taste in your mouth. Read More»

Commonly Asked Questions About Invisalign

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Straight teeth without any gaps is a prerequisite for having a beautiful smile, but it is an unfortunate fact of life that many people are born with conditions that cause their teeth to be misaligned. While braces can be an effective way of correcting these problems, many people feel that these are embarrassing devices to wear. Luckily, Invisalign braces can be a viable option for these individuals, but there may be a couple of common questions that they need answered before opting for this treatment. Read More»

Breaking Out In Hives? Maybe One Of These 3 Things Is To Blame

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Allergies occur whenever your body reacts to an unknown substance. While allergies to food, pet dander, mold and dust are more common, there are plenty of other allergies that are more obscure. Many people end up with an allergy to multiple pollutants in the world around them. Surprisingly, there are a variety of different things that you can become allergic to. Check out some of the weird allergy triggers below. Read More»

4 Tips For Managing The Highs And Lows Of Bipolar Disorder

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Bipolar disorder (BPD) is a complex affective disorder that can often leave you feeling hopeless that you will achieve long-term mood stabilization. In addition to psychiatric treatment, there are ways you can help manage BPD. Live A Healthy Lifestyle Eating a healthy diet and engaging in regular exercise can help you manage BPD by coping with daily stress in a positive way. Life stress can easily trigger manic or depressive episodes. Read More»

When Warts Return: Tackling Stubborn Plantar Warts With Bleomycin

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If you’ve tried all the at-home treatment methods, and your warts are still stubbornly growing and spreading, it’s time to visit a podiatrist in your area in order to get some more advanced treatment. Plantar warts are the most stubborn, and treatment can be painful but successful if done right. Your podiatrist will probably use the most effective, and currently the most innovative, treatment: he or she will use bleomycin, which is about 96% effective in curing plantar warts. Read More»