Pet Ownership 101 | Compounded Pet Medication

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Any pet owner who has ever had to convince their pet to swallow a pill knows that wrapping it in cheese or covering it in peanut butter does not always work. Pets are smart. Eventually, they realize your deception and just lick the peanut butter off, spitting out the pill. Compounding medicine is designed to succeed where cheese has failed. Here’s what you need to know. What is a compounded pet medication? Read More»

Everything You Need To Know About Hearing Loss Tests And Hearing Aids For Your Child

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Most people think about hearing aids in terms of older adults who have lost their hearing over time due to age or working conditions. Hearing aids are also for children, however. You, your pediatrician, or even your child’s teacher may have noticed that they have difficulty hearing. The first step in helping your child is a hearing loss test. Here’s what you need to know about hearing aids and a hearing loss test. Read More»

These Types Of Therapy Help You After An Auto Injury

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After an auto accident, you might be feeling overwhelmed. You may be dealing with insurance companies, car repairs, and doctor’s appointments. You might also be struggling with physical pain on top of everything else. One way to help deal with the aftermath of an auto accident is to seek auto injury therapy so that you can regain strength, function, and mobility. These therapy options can help you recover from an auto accident. Read More»

Important Benefits Of Mental Health Transitional Living Housing

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For people who are suffering from mental illness and are being released from hospital treatment, it can be a great benefit to enter into mental health transitional living housing. This supportive housing can help a person successfully reintegrate into the community and follow a plan of mental wellness. Below are some of the important benefits that mental healthy transitional living can offer. On-Site Mental Wellness Experts Just because a person has been released from inpatient treatment in a hospital it does not mean that their mental health journey is over or that they are equipped to handle it on their own. Read More»

Got A Cough? Urgent Care Can Help

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That annoying cough building in the back of your throat could be trying to tell you something. It may be a sign that you would benefit from medical care provided by an urgent care center. Are you unsure if your symptoms are persistent enough to require an urgent care visit? Want to know more about your treatment options? Here’s what you need to know. Your Cough Could Be Caused By Many Factors Read More»