Not Up In The Air: Dermaplaning As A Safe And Effective Method Of Hair Removal

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Maybe you’ve been seeking a way to get rid of unwanted facial hair. It’s not a lot of hair, just a little – but it bothers you and you feel like there must be a better way to remove it than the waxing, tweezing and shaving you’ve been trying. Under the guidance of an aesthetician, dermaplaning could be the answer you are looking for. What is Dermaplaning? Dermaplaning is a process of removing dead skin cells and fine facial hair to make your face look younger and fresher. Read More»

Answers To Some Questions About Wisdom Tooth Removal

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Wisdom teeth typically grow in in your late teen years or early twenties. These are the last four teeth that grow in, back behind all of the molars. Many people need to get them removed because they become impacted or otherwise cause problems. The following guide can help you get answers for some of your wisdom tooth questions. Question: What are the signs of trouble? Answer: Pain in the jaw, gums, neck and throat are usually the first signs of trouble. Read More»

3 Reasons To Take Your Child To A Pediatrician As Soon As Possible

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A pediatrician will be your best resource when it comes to making sure that your child is as healthy as possible, mostly because of the many different conditions that he or she will be able to assist you with. Listed below are just a few of the reasons to get your child to a pediatrician as soon as possible. Fever One of the major reasons to get your child to a pediatrician quickly is if your child has a fever that has lingered for a while. Read More»

Focus On Your Total Knee Recovery In A Short Term Rehabilitation Center

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The surgical replacement of your knee joint with an artificial joint will allow you to walk again without pain. But the surgery is only the first step in the healing process. Once you leave the hospital, you’re looking at an average of twelve weeks to gain full use of your knee. Recovering in a short term rehabilitation center allows you to focus on your recovery and not be distracted by activities in your home. Read More»

3 Last Resort Methods To Save A Damaged Tooth From Extraction

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Natural teeth serve more purposes than comfortable chewing and cosmetic appeal. The teeth help keep the underlying bone and gum tissue healthy by encouraging circulation. Whenever possible, a dentist will try hard to save a natural tooth even if the tooth has a decent amount of decay-related damage.  There are a few last resort methods that a dentist can use to try and save your damaged tooth from extraction. Apicoectomy Read More»