Frequent Eye Irritation May Be Caused By a Serious Problem That Prescription Glasses Can Help

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The eyelid is designed to help protect the sensitive eye from irritants, and blinking is an automatic process that assists in this process. Unfortunately, it is possible that your lid may begin blinking less frequently, causing your eye to get irritated and reddened. What is going on here, and how can prescription glasses help? How Frequent Is “Normal” Blinking? When your eyes are healthy, they will blink regularly to keep dust and dirt away from your eyes. Read More»

2 Reasons To Consider Acupuncture

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Acupuncture is a very useful and beneficial procedure that involves placing needles into certain points on your body that can help you deal with a wide variety of issues, such as headaches or chronic pain. In addition, the needles used in acupuncture can often be paired with mild electrical currents or heat to help you with your treatments. Listed below are two reasons to consider acupuncture. Reduce Pain One of the most common reasons that people seek out acupuncture therapy is in an effort to get rid of their pain. Read More»

How To Protect Your Eyes From Electronic's Blue Light

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If you spend a lot of time looking at your computer or phone screen, you are subjecting your eyes to strain brought on by the blue light that comes from the electronics. To help make sure that you are protecting your eyes from becoming damaged from this light, you will want to review the following suggestions. Blink Your Eyes More Often This is an easy way to help give your eyes a little more protection. Read More»

3 Dietary Strategies For The Prevention And Management Of Kidney Stones

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Whether you are hoping to avoid kidney stones altogether or are trying to prevent recurrent stones, your diet can have a significant effect on your kidneys. There are small changes you can make to reduce your risk of stone formation. Stay Hydrated One of the most important strategies to reduce your risk of kidney stones is to stay hydrated. You should also reduce the amount of diuretics in your diet, such as caffeine. Read More»

Three Treatments For Runner's Knee

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Runner’s knee, known as patellofemoral pain syndrome by doctors, is a painful injury that can affect runners. It leads to an aching pain in your kneecap, and this pain can make it hard to for you to go up and down stairs, let alone go for a long run. Here are three treatment options your doctor may recommend. The RICE Method If you’ve experienced sports injuries before, you’ll already be familiar with the RICE method, but if not, your doctor can explain it. Read More»