Just Had A Baby And Want To Lose Your Baby Fat? 3 Tips To Help You Slim Down

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If you have just had a baby, this is a very special time in your life. It is common, however, to have some baby fat left behind. If this has happened to you, you likely want to get back to your pre-pregnancy body as fast as you can. Fortunately, there are a wide variety of things you can do to help you do this, three of which are listed below. Read More»

Considering Being A Part Of A Cancer Clinical Research Trial? What You Should Know

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If you are currently battling cancer and are struggling with conventional treatments that may not be having as much of an effect on your cancer as you would like, you may find yourself considering the possibility of signing up for a clinical research trial to test a new medication or treatment that may be able to help you improve your condition. However, if you have never been directly involved with the process of applying for and getting into a clinical research trial, then you may not be sure of how the process will go or what you can or should expect from it. Read More»

Can Hyperthyroidism Impact Your Pregnancy?

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During pregnancy, an overactive thyroid can become a health concern for both you and your growing baby. Without proper medical treatment, you could experience several problems, including difficulty sleeping. If your OB/GYN diagnosed you with hyperthyroidism, here is what you need to know.   What Does Hyperthyroidism Mean for Your Pregnancy? Hyperthyroidism basically means that your thyroid gland is working overtime and dumping too many hormones into your system. As a result, your body’s metabolism can go into overdrive. Read More»

Feed the Body, Starve the Pain: How Dieting Can Provide Relief

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As the old adage decrees, you are what you eat. If you consistently fuel your body with poor nutrition, you will feel poorly. It is common knowledge that dietary choices can help or harm your health. Poor choices result in diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and a litany of other medical conditions. Did you know that dietary choices can also influence your body’s inflammatory response and keep you in pain? If you have been enduring chronic pain, choosing the right foods can help you in your quest for relief. Read More»

FAQ About Dermal Fillers

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Do your lips become thinner, and do fine lines appear on your face as you get older? If you want to regain a youthful appearance without undergoing a surgical procedure, you might want to speak to a specialist about dermal fillers. There are different types of fillers that can be used, but which you choose will depend on the specific type of work that you want done. Take a look at this article for answers to questions you might have in regard to dermal fillers. Read More»