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FAQ About Dermal Fillers

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Do your lips become thinner, and do fine lines appear on your face as you get older? If you want to regain a youthful appearance without undergoing a surgical procedure, you might want to speak to a specialist about dermal fillers. There are different types of fillers that can be used, but which you choose will depend on the specific type of work that you want done. Take a look at this article for answers to questions you might have in regard to dermal fillers.

What Types of Dermal Fillers Are Available?

You will have the option of choosing between dermal fillers that are synthetic or the ones that are naturally derived. No matter which type of filler is used, you are likely to be satisfied with the results. The difference between the two filler types is that the one that is naturally derived fillers will actually dissipate as time passes by. The synthetic filler will sit permanently under your skin. The softness of the fillers will vary with both the synthetic and natural derived formulas.

What Do Dermal Fillers Do?

Dermal fillers can smooth out the wrinkles in your face and plump up your lips just like Botox. However, unlike Botox, the fillers are not aimed at preventing your facial muscles from moving. Dermal fillers will simply be injected to plump up the areas of your face that you want to improve. The fillers will create a smother look that does not leave your face without the inability to move to the fullest extent.

Is Everyone a Candidate for Dermal Fillers?

There is not much required to make you a good candidate for dermal fillers. For instance, the main concern will be that your overall health is in good shape. The specialist will also ask about the type of results you expect to come from getting dermal fillers. He or she will basically make sure your goals are realistic. You might not be a good candidate if you are a smoker.

What Happens During the Procedure?

The first thing that will be done is marking the sites on your face that will be injected. The sites will then be cleaned with an antibacterial agent to get rid of germs. Anesthesia will be used to numb the injection sites, but sometimes a specialist will simply chill the skin to ease pain. The filler will then be injected in each site until satisfactory results are achieved. This is not a long process.

Talk to a company such as Stellis Health to learn more. 
