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3 Benefits Of Outpatient Rehab Vs. Inpatient Rehab

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When you think about going to rehab, you might think about an inpatient facility with programs that last for a month or longer. Although this is a good treatment option for many people who suffer from drug or alcohol addictions, there is another option that you may want to look into if you or a loved one are an addict -- outpatient rehab. These are a few of the main benefits of outpatient rehab versus inpatient rehab.

1. Keep Your Job or Stay in School

One problem with going to inpatient rehab is that you may lose your job, if you have one, or you may lose out on a lot of income. This can be financially crippling, which can only make things worse for someone who is already struggling with drug and alcohol problems (and quite possibly the financial implications that can go along with these issues). Likewise, if you are in school, you could end up failing your classes or being dropped from your program if you miss school while you're in rehab. Luckily, outpatient rehab allows you to work your treatment around your regular schedule, making it possible for you to keep your job or stay in school.

2. Maintain Family Ties

Being away from your family for a month or more can be extremely difficult on both you and the people you love. If you have a spouse or children, you may not want to leave them for an extended period of time. If you're responsible for taking care of a family member, it could put a big burden on your family for you to not be available to do so. Plus, you may need your support system more than ever as you battle your drug or alcohol addiction. Luckily, outpatient rehab makes it possible for you to maintain your family ties while in treatment. This can put less of a strain on your relationships and can allow you easier access to your support system.

3. Save Money

Inpatient rehab can be very expensive, and if you don't have insurance or if your insurance won't cover part or all of the treatment, you may not be able to afford it. In general, outpatient rehab is more affordable, making treatment a possibility when you might not otherwise be able to afford it.

If you're struggling with an addiction and are thinking about going to rehab, you may want to consider the benefits of outpatient rehab rather than an inpatient program. Depending on your situation, it could be the best choice for you. Contact rehab facilities like Stepping Stones Recovery Center for more information.
