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Not Up In The Air: Dermaplaning As A Safe And Effective Method Of Hair Removal

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Maybe you've been seeking a way to get rid of unwanted facial hair. It's not a lot of hair, just a little -- but it bothers you and you feel like there must be a better way to remove it than the waxing, tweezing and shaving you've been trying. Under the guidance of an aesthetician, dermaplaning could be the answer you are looking for.

What is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a process of removing dead skin cells and fine facial hair to make your face look younger and fresher. Sometimes called epi-leveling, the procedure involves a trained aesthetician using a surgical-quality blade to scrape the skin lightly, evenly and with complete control. This removes the fine facial hair called vellus (or sometimes, "peach fuzz") and provides an excellent way to exfoliate.

Sometimes, dermaplaning gets confused with dermabrasion. Dermabrasion is where the skin is abraded down to the dermis with a special device. Because it sometimes results in infections and scarring, aestheticians rarely use this technique in favor of more controlled and predictable skin treatments. Instead, a treatment called microdermabrasion provides similar exfoliation without the hair removal that dermaplaning offers.

What Should You Expect at Your Dermaplaning Appointment?

Dermaplaning is a relatively quick procedure and does not cause any pain or side effects. There are no chemicals used and no peeling follows the treatment. 

First, your provider will clean your skin and perhaps provide some very mild stimulation and exfoliation. Your skin will be carefully dried. Then, your aesthetician will use very light strokes that move in the direction of your hair growth to stimulate the skin and remove fine hair. 

After the scraping procedure is completed, your provider will moisturize your skin. Many aestheticians combine dermaplaning with an additional facial treatment to further moisturize, soften or brighten the skin and improve circulation. Talk to your provider to find out what is recommended for your skin.

How Long Does the Hair Removal Last?

Depending on the individual, the hair will need to be removed about once a month, but the procedure can be done as frequently as every 2 weeks.

Some women are concerned that the shaving will cause their hair to grow back thicker or courser. This is not true; hair will not change its texture or color when removed.

Are There Any Problems that Dermaplaning Can Cause?

Dermaplaning is generally very safe. Some women may get what look like razor bumps from the shaving process. Some skin care experts believe that these razor bumps may be more likely to show up on the skin of women with hormonal imbalances like polycystic ovarian syndrome. 

If you have any reaction, including razor bumps, be sure to discuss it with your aesthetician and, if warranted, your doctor. To learn more, speak with a company like Appearance Dermatology.
