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4 Tips To Stop Snoring And Get A Good Night's Rest

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Do you have problems snoring at night? Do you tend to wake yourself up snoring or keep your significant other from getting adequate sleep at night because of your snoring? If so, you are not alone. In fact, the National Sleep Foundation says that there are roughly 90 million individuals in America that snore at night, and there are about 37 million individuals who say that it affects them on an ongoing basis. So, what can you do to stop the snoring?

Tip #1: Change the Way You Sleep

One of the easiest ways to stop snoring is to change your sleeping position. If you sleep on your back, then you are at greater risk of snoring. This is because your soft palate and tongue are collapsing into your airways, which ultimately causes you to snore. To stop snoring and maintain proper spine position, you should sleep on your side. A body pillow can help you maintain this sleeping position or sewing/taping a couple of tennis balls to the back of your pajama top.

Tip #2: Lose Some Weight

When you gain weight, you also gain additional tissue. This means that you can gain extra tissue in your neck, and this tissue will restrict and press on your airways, ultimately leading to you snoring. Therefore, if you are overweight, start exercising more each week in order to shed some of those extra pounds.

Tip #3: Limit Your Alcohol Intake

Alcohol has the ability to relax your muscles, including those in the throat. When this happens, it directly interferes with your breathing and increases the chances that you will snore will you doze off at night. The close that you consume alcohol to bedtime, the greater the chances are that you will snore. Therefore, it is important that you limit your alcohol intake or give it up altogether if you have been having trouble snoring.

Tip #4: Treat Your Allergies

It isn't uncommon to notice that you may snore more frequently throughout allergy season than any other time of the year. This is because your nasal passages are closed up, which is forcing you to breathe through your mouth. When this happens, you are more likely to snore. Therefore, you need to ensure that your nasal passages are open before going to bed. To do this, treat your allergies with an antihistamine throughout the day but also right before bedtime to ensure that your nasal passages are not blocked. If necessary, consult with a physician about prescription allergy medication.  

If you continue having issues with snoring, reach out to an ENT specialist, who may be able to help you further or recommend snoring surgery.
